OTS List Statistics
Featured Server
Server name Dinera.net Real Map
Server IP dinera.net
Uptime Ok
Port 7171
Players 1000 / 1000
There are 7513 players online on 178 Otservers.
Ots List Last Update: April 25, 2024, 9:57 pm

We have 822 OTServ in our Otservlist database.
Ots List Current Time: April 25, 2024, 10:02 pm

Starting soon
Server info - Gadara Real Map
  • Main Info
  • Statistics
  • MOTD
  • Signatures
Ip Address: Gadara.pl
Port: 7171
Client: 12.80
Total Uptime (%): 100.00%
Now Uptime for (hours): Offline
Players Record: 22 players online at the same time.
Players Online: 0 / 500
Average Players: 0 (min) / 0 (max)
Server: 2.0
Owner: -/-
Last Update: 2024-04-25 22:01:58
Added: 2022-04-20 18:12:39

Gadara Real Map
This will be available soon!
Server description
Hello! Gadara Real Map CLIENT: Gadara 12.85 DOWNLOADABLE ON SITE
----> for fun


Welcome to the world of Gadar, since you are here, you've come to the right place!

A new server that was created for players who want to do well
have fun without obligation, but remember there are limits! Culture i
communicating with other players is the basis you can't do
At the moment the server started on the newest Tibia client!
if you create an account you are required to download our client to
enter the world of Gadara, below we give what the bar of beating looks like
levels and skills.

1-50 = 150x
51-150 = 80x
151-200 = 50x
201-250 = 30x
251 ~ = 15x

- Skills
1-50 = 40x
51-80 = 30x
81-100 = 10x
120 ~ = 8X

- Magic lvl
1-50 = 20x
51-80 = 21x
81-100 = 15x
101-110 = 10x
111-125 = 4x
126 ~ = 4x