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OTS List Tibia OTS OtservList Open Tibia Server
There are 5996 players online on 133 Otservers.
Otservlist Last Update: March 13, 2025, 6:36 pm

We have 746 Tibia OTS in our Otservlist database.
Ots List Current Time: March 13, 2025, 6:41 pm

Starting soon
Server info - Memsoria.pl Tibia Ots
  • Main Info
  • Statistics
  • MOTD
  • Signatures
Ip Address: Memsoria.pl
Port: 7171
Client: 8.6
Total Uptime (%): 99.97%
Now Uptime for (hours): 36d 23h
Players Record: 1664 players online at the same time.
Players Online: 33 / 1000
Average Players: 32 (min) / 34 (max)
Server: 0.4
Owner: -/-
Last Update: 2025-03-13 18:40:52
Added: 2018-04-09 13:17:24

Everyday starts Zombie Event on 6:00 & 00:00 PM and Run Event on 4:00 PM - don't miss it!
This will be available soon!
Server description
~English Version~

-Uptime 24/7
-modified addon system
-Unicat atmosphere
-new quests
-SMS SHOP with different payment methods
-new autostock has been implemented
-Attack\/follow\/cancel the attack works-Balanced professions
-Real wars-Guild RAID System system and spawn Bosses
-the lack of a strong store items Server
-New monsters
-Self map, Edited the map Evolution, weighing more than 50 mb
-free VIP level 150
-Mana and HP are shown in % to facilitate
-bonuses for Addons
-friendly Government
-unique Events:

~ Zombie Event at 6: 00 PM and 12: 00 PM
~ FireStorm Event at 9: 00 PM
~ EXP Event between the hours of 4: 00 PM to 8: 00 PM

All the advantages of a real tibia.

IP: Memsoria.pl
Port: 7171
Prefix: 8. 6

Team Memsoria.pl


~Polish Version~

- Uptime 24/7
- PvP
- Zmodyfikowany system addonów
- Uniatowa Atmosfera
- Nowe Questy
- Tani SMS SHOP z ró?nymi metodami p?atno?ci
- Nowe autostackowanie zosta?o zaimplementowane
- Atakuj/pod??aj/anuluj atak dzia?a
- Zbalansowane profesje
- Prawdziwy system wojen gildii
- System raidów i spawnowania Bossów
- Brak za mocnych przedmiotów w sklepie serwera
- Nowe potwory
- Wlasna Mapa, Edytowana Mapa Evolution, wazaca ponad 50 mb
- Darmowy VIP od 150 poziomu
- Mana i HP s? ukazywane w % dla u?atwienia
- Bonusy za Addony
- Mi?a administracja
- Unikalne Eventy:

~Zombie Event o godzinie 6:00 PM i 12:00 PM
~FireStorm Event o godzinie 9:00 PM
~EXP Event od godziny 4:00 PM do 8:00 PM

Wszystkie zalety prawdziwej tibii.

IP: Memsoria.pl
Port: 7171
Prefix: 8.6

Zespol Memsoria.pl