OTS List Statistics
Featured Server
Server name Dinera.net Real Map
Server IP dinera.net
Uptime Ok
Port 7171
Players 1000 / 1000
There are 5951 players online on 175 Otservers.
Ots List Last Update: April 24, 2024, 12:01 pm

We have 821 OTServ in our Otservlist database.
Ots List Current Time: April 24, 2024, 12:06 pm

Starting soon
Server info - Evolunia Tibia Server
  • Main Info
  • Statistics
  • MOTD
  • Signatures
Ip Address: Evolunia.net
Port: 7171
Client: 10.98
Total Uptime (%): 73.13%
Now Uptime for (hours): Offline
Players Record: 935 players online at the same time.
Players Online: 0 / 0
Average Players: 0 (min) / 0 (max)
Server: 1.3
Owner: -/-
Last Update: 2024-04-24 11:43:02
Added: 2018-09-29 17:32:46

Welcome to The Forgotten Server!
This will be available soon!
Server description
Evolunia BETA
The server LAUNCHES on Saturday CEST 18:00. Hope to see you there!

IP: Evolunia.net
Website: http://evolunia.net/
Client: Custom client based on Tibia 10.98, you will be able to download it the same day the beta opens
When: Saturday at 18.00 CEST.

Evolunia is designed to be a fast paced and simple evolution server, we have added tons of new features that are meant to make the game more fun and interesting. All our maps were also made by ourselves, so every spawn and quest is unqiue to our server.

*Uptime: 24/7
*Hosted in: Germany
*Exp rate: Medium staged rates (all of our custom systems also makes it a lot faster to level)
*Runes: Unlimited
*Loot rate: 2x
*Server type: PVP/RPG.

Monsters with levels and skulled creatures, we have added tons of new item attributes, now you can find items with critical damage, healing increase, damage increase, chain, leech and much more!

We have tons of quests and spawns that will last the players a long time to complete.

We have tons of different tasks and missions.

Exploring all the spawns is worth it, because they can contain hidden treasues and even bosses.

Attribute points, you get attribute points from getting mounts/addons/completing quests/finding hidden treasures, so you can make your character alot stronger than just by getting a high level.

You can customize your character with attribute points and our items since they give very big bonuses! Maybe you want your character to attack faster? Then use items with alot of attackspeed! Or maybe you want to be a tank, then use attributes that make you tankier and use items that gives you damage reduction, healing increase and even leech!

We have added charms/trinkets, they give bonuses and each character can have a maximum of 4.

Automatic healing ingame, we have added auto healing ingame, it will automatically use the best potion and cast the best spell for you when you are low enough.

The server LAUNCHES on Saturday CEST 18:00. Hope to see you there!