Ip Address: |
Tibinha.online |
Port: |
7171 |
Client: |
7.6 Download
Country: |
Total Uptime (%): |
99.61% |
Now Uptime for (hours): |
5h 50m |
Players Record: |
114 players online at the same time. |
Players Online: |
48 / 500 |
Average Players: |
0 (min) / 59 (max) |
Server: |
1.5 |
Owner: |
-/- |
Last Update: |
2025-03-12 14:40:57 |
Added: |
2023-07-28 18:48:16 |
This will be available soon!
Server description |
Apresentamos a voc um Tibinha yurot's!
Clssico memorivel de 15 anos atrs online para voc e sua famlia se divertir!
Relembre a fase mais legal do tibia no primrdios do incio de OTSERVER!
Jogo antigo, use o nosso Cliente e relembre o passado com gostinho de moderno do tibia.
>> As armas de todas as criaturas podem vir com algum tipo de atributo.
>> Temos criaturas editadas com sprites diferentes.
>> Itens diferentes e elegantes.
>> Mapa sem teleport full RPF e explorao ideal para amigos!
>> Adicionamos sistema de sharer EXP.
>> Cliente conta com 1 bot simples, no responsabilizamos pelo mal uso e tambm sempre atente-se ao cheking do GM como antigamente, caso contrario parara na priso!
We present to you Tibinha yurot's!
A classic memorable game from 15 years ago, now available online for you and your family to enjoy! Relive the coolest phase of Tibia in the early days of OTSERVER!
An old game, use our Client and reminisce about the past with a modern touch of Tibia.
Weapons of all creatures can come with some type of attribute.
We have creatures edited with different sprites.
Different and elegant items.
Map without full RPF teleport and ideal for exploration with friends!
We added an EXP sharing system.
The client comes with 1 simple bot. We are not responsible for misuse, and always be mindful of GM checking as in the old days, otherwise, you'll end up in jail!
Przedstawiamy Wam Tibinha Yurot's!
Pami?tna klasyczna gra sprzed 15 lat teraz dost?pna online dla Ciebie i Twojej rodziny, aby?cie mogli si? dobrze bawi?! Prze?yjcie najfajniejsz? faz? Tibii z pocz?tkw OTSERVER!
To stara gra, u?yj naszego klienta i przypomnij sobie przesz?o?? z nut? nowoczesno?ci Tibii.
Bro? wszystkich stworze? mo?e mie? jakie? atrybuty.
Mamy edytowane stwory z r?nymi sprite'ami.
R?norodne eleganckie przedmioty.
Mapa bez pe?nego teleportu RPF i idealna do eksploracji z przyjaci?mi!
Dodali?my system dzielenia si? do?wiadczeniem (EXP).
Klient posiada prostego bota, ale nie ponosimy odpowiedzialno?ci za z?e u?ycie. Zawsze zwracaj uwag? na sprawdzanie GM-w, tak jak dawniej, w przeciwnym razie sko?czysz w wi?zieniu!