OTS List Statistics
Featured Server
Server name Dinera.net Real Map
Server IP dinera.net
Uptime Ok
Port 7171
Players 1000 / 1000
There are 8253 players online on 162 Otservers.
Ots List Last Update: December 30, 2024, 5:45 pm

We have 767 OTServ in our Otservlist database.
Ots List Current Time: December 30, 2024, 5:50 pm

Starting soon
  • Main Info
  • Statistics
  • MOTD
  • Signatures
Ip Address: Shadowbr.com
Port: 7171
Client: 13.30
Total Uptime (%): 24.61%
Now Uptime for (hours): Offline
Players Record: 11 players online at the same time.
Players Online: 0 / 0
Average Players: 0 (min) / 0 (max)
Server: 1.3
Owner: -/-
Last Update: 2024-012-30 17:31:09
Added: 2024-08-14 23:59:51

Welcome to the ShadowBR!
This will be available soon!
Server description
ShadowBR, mapa full global com teleports e acessos.

Somos uma tima opo para jogadores que querem se divertir e se dedicar a um servidor profissional.

Contamos com equipe dedicada que atende o jogador, tirando duvidas sobre o jogo.

Estamos te aguardando.

Site: www.shadowbr.com